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Printing Notes in Case Logistix

Case Logistix® allows you to view and print a list of notes for a document when you create a Notes Report. You can also include notes when you print a document.

Creating and Printing a Notes Report

The Notes Report compiles a list of all notes for a document. When you create a Notes Report, you can accept the default information for the report title, headers and footers, and reference information, or you can customize the report using the Format Expression Builder. For further information on the Format Expression Builder, see Case Logistix online Help.

To create a Notes Report, complete these steps:

  1. In the Document List, select the document for which you want to create the report.
  2. On the Notes toolbar in the right pane, click the Print Notes icon. The Print Note Options dialog box is displayed.
Notes toolbar
Print Notes option dialog box
  1. By default, the format options are entered for you. Type different options, if desired.
  2. Click OK. The report is displayed in a separate page in HTML format.
Report in HTML format

To print or save the Notes Report, in the browser, on the File menu, click Print or Save As.

Printing Notes in a Document

To print notes with document text, complete these steps:

  1. On the File menu in Case Logistix, point to Print, then click Print on the menu. The Print Documents dialog box is displayed.
Print Documents dialog box
  1. Under Printing Options:
    • select the Print Annotation Highlights check box
    • select the Include Note Text check box
    • select the Scale Font to Paper Size check box to scale the note text size relative to the document page size
  2. Click OK.

Note When you print a document with its notes, the document image is scaled to 90% of its original size to accommodate the notes and a black border is printed in the left margin and footer.