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Summarizing Your Transcripts (Digests) in Case Notebook

Case Notebook™ allows you create summaries of transcripts that you can share with your entire team. To create a transcript summary and a Transcript Summary Report, complete these steps:

  1. Open a transcript.

  2. Open a transcript.

  3. On the File menu, point to New and click Transcript Summary on the menu. The Summary Item section is displayed in the center pane below the transcript.

  4. point to New and click

  5. Use the arrows in the left margin of the transcript or the line numbers to select the text you want to summarize.
  6. In the Subject box, type the subject of the summary.
  7. Type your summary in the box below the Subject box.
  8. Once you have finished summarizing the transcript, click Transcript Summary Report on the toolbar to generate a report with your summary.
Use the arrows in the left margin of the transcript or the line numbers to select the text you want to summarize